
Aquaculture Veterinary Medicine Training for Veterinarians Practicing in Rural America

Aquaculture Veterinary Medicine Training for Veterinarians Practicing in Rural America

USDA APHIS Veterinary Services in cooperation with University of Florida/IFAS

To address the veterinary needs of underserved aquaculture producers in rural America, the University ofFlorida/IFAS in cooperation with USDA APHIS Veterinary Services is offering eight (8) veterinary fellowships for a two-year training program in aquatic animal health and aquaculture production medicine.

Training, comprised of online and field instruction, includes implementation of the NAA/USDA CommercialAquaculture Health Program Standards (CAHPS) for clients.

Tuition and related educational expenses are provided, and a stipend of $5000 per participant will be paid upon successful completion of each year of training.

To apply for a fellowship:

Recent (<5 years) veterinary graduates working in rural areas may apply by submitting an application packet consisting of all of the following:

  1. A written statement of interest of working with aquaculture producers, including a statement of commitment to continued interest after the end of the fellowship
  2. Three (3) professional references
  3. Documented verification of state veterinary license and USDA accreditation as a category II practitioner.

Preference will be given to applicants submitting at least one letter of reference from an aquaculture facility. Further information can be found here.