
US Senate Hearing Highlights Aquaculture Opportunities

dkent ussenate hearing 30jan2018

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A panel of aquaculture experts appeared before a US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation today to discuss the opportunities that America is missing by not more fully embracing domestic marine aquaculture. Don Kent, President/CEO of Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute, explained both the tremendous economic opportunity and the frustrations resulting from unclear federal regulatory authority over and permitting of aquaculture in the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone). The uncertainty and extraordinary delays experienced by his group’s proposed project in its interactions with federal agencies reflected a common theme plaguing aquaculture development in the US. The benefits to working waterfront, maritime communities, as well as the general US seafood consumer were reinforced by Kent and the other panel members. Throughout the hearing, a positive message of opportunity was expressed by the panelists, and tough questions by some committee members were addressed openly and suggestions made toward practical solutions.  Watch edited video of the hearing and download testimonies of the panelists at the Senate committee’s website here.