
USDA Agricultural Research Service Focus on Aquaculture

Courtesy of NAA:

The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is an intramural research Agency within the Research, Education and Economics Division of U.S. Department of Agriculture. Research conducted under the National Program for Aquaculture(NP106) seeks to support a thriving domestic industry based on improved genetic stocks and scientific information on biotechnologies and management practices to ensure a high quality, safe supply of healthful and affordable seafood products.  The components of this program are:

  1. Selective Breeding, Directed Reproduction, and Development of Genomic Tools.
  2. Nutrient Requirements and Alternative Protein and Lipid Ingredients.
  3. Health of Aquatic Animals.
  4. Sustainable Production Systems.
  5. Product Quality and New Products.

Research is conducted under 18 projects that include 47 scientists and 40 funded collaborators located at 10 laboratories across the Nation.

Major species of interest include:

  • Catfish and their hybrids
  • Striped bass and their hybrids
  • Rainbow trout
  • Atlantic salmon
  • Pacific oyster
  • Eastern oyster
  • Tilapia

Individual ARS laboratories will be submitting a “Friday at the Lab” note outlining their mission and recent accomplishments.

For more information please contact Dr. Caird Rexroad, National Program Leader for Aquaculture, at