
NOAA Creates Coastal Aquaculture Planning Portal

Courtesy of NAA:

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announces the availability of web-based toolbox of coastal planning tools designed to assist managers, planners, and marine aquaculturists to find suitable farm sites and plan sustainable farm sizes.  The toolbox is organized into four categories:

  • Shellfish Aquaculture Planning & Siting
    • Contains 34 tools.
  • Finfish Aquaculture Planning & Siting
    • Contains 24 tools.
  • Environmental Interactions
    • Contains 14 tools.
  • Environmental Modeling
    • Contains three tools

Tools provide access to and/or the ability to manipulate data for a wide variety of topics, including, but not limited to: species information, national production data, oceanographic and geophysical information, state shellfish mapping (Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New York, Virginia), state by state shellfish aquaculture permitting information, a climate wizard, Essential Fish Habitat mapping, electronic NOAA navigational charts handler, national stormwater calculator, and marine protected areas mapper.

To access the Portal, visit: Want to learn more about aquaculture planning and siting products developed by NOAA National Centers for Coastal and Ocean Science? Contact Dr. James Morris at