
Small Business Innovation Research Program – Phase I Funding Announcement

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institute of Food and Agriculture, invites science-based small business firms to submit research applications under this program solicitation entitled “Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) – Phase I, Fiscal Year 2018.”

The Aquaculture topic area aims to develop new technologies that will enhance the knowledge and technology base necessary for the expansion of the domestic aquaculture industry as a form of production agriculture. Emphasis is placed on research leading to improved production efficiency and increased competitiveness of private sector, commercial aquaculture in the United States. Studies on commercially important, or potentially important, species of fish, shellfish and aquatic plants from both freshwater and marine environments are included. View the full funding opportunity a nnouncement here.

Applications must be received by  5 p.m.  Eastern Time on  October 5, 2017.

Source: NOAA