
NAA Presents McCraren Awards During Aquaculture America 2017

Courtesy of NAA:

The National Aquaculture Association (NAA) presented two Joesph P. McCraren Awards during Aquaculture America for Distinguished Lifetime Contributions and Outstanding Contributions in Promoting the Growth of Aquaculture, respectively. The Awards were created by the NAA in 1997 to honor Joesph P. McCraren.  Mr. McCraren is best remembered as the “Father of a United Aquaculture Industry” in the United States. More than any other individual, Joe had the vision and the ability to bring to reality the concept of “One Industry, One Vote.” The National Aquaculture Association was established in 1989, Joe became its voice, and U.S. aquaculture was changed forever.

The Distinguished Life Contribution Award was presented to Art Rawlins. Mr. Rawlins became a Director for the Florida Tropical Fish Farms Association (FTFFA) in 1984, and has served in the office as President for 13 years – the longest serving President in the history of the FTFFA. He has testified before legislative committees on the importance of the aquaculture industry and its economic impact.  He has sent numerous written recommendations to members of Congress and various state and federal regulatory agencies. He has made personal and lasting relationships with the movers and the shakers of the pet industry, as well as elected government and regulatory officials, all to promote and protect the tropical fish farming. Every tropical fish farmer has either directly or indirectly benefited from Art Rawlins’ 37 years of experience and 30 years of service. His humble but straight forward manner has been very effective in making things happen. As Art is often heard to say “Life is good” and without his unselfish commitment to fish farming life wouldn’t be so good for today’s tropical fish farmer. 

The Outstanding Contributions in Promoting the Growth of Aquaculture Award was presented to Marty Tanner. Mr. Tanner, who currently is serving his eighth term as president of Florida Aquaculture Association, has given untold hours of work to promote and protect a diversified aquaculture industry. Although his professional history is one of a tropical fish farmer for over 32 years, he has been actively involved in issues effecting many diverse aquaculture commodities including: food fish, aquarium fish, marine fish, shellfish, aquatic plants, and alligators. Marty has been very active in numerous state, regional and federal agencies to represent all aquaculture industries. His relentless leadership has left a remarkable impact on the aquaculture industry.