
New company introduces high-tech buoys for aquaculture

Aquasend, a new company based in San Diego, California, U.S.A. is manufacturing alarm buoys for the aquaculture industry.

The solar-powered Aquadot alarm buoy monitors oxygen and temperature levels, performs water quality analysis and is capable of sending sends a mobile alert in case a problem arises via wi-fi or cellular networks. It is equipped with anti-fouling wipers and has parts manufactured by Precision Measurement Engineering that are designed to produce quality sensor stability, calibration and readings once a minute

“We have been innovating this product for the aquaculture community for many years in response to industry demands, and are thrilled with the final product offering that requires minimal maintenance as well as decreases labor costs and power consumption,” Aquasend CEO Kristin Elliott said.

The company said the product will be available for purchase this summer.
