
NAA Updates FDA’s Seafood List

Courtesy of NAA:

Late last week a California-based seafood distributor was informed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that “hybrid striped bass” is not a recognized market name within the FDA’s The Seafood List ( The Seafood List provides information to assist manufacturers in properly labeling seafood and to reflect the acceptable market names of new species introduced into the U.S. marketplace.

The FDA, within The Seafood List, recognizes the common names of “Sunshine Bass” for (Morone chrysops X M. saxatilis) and “Palmetto Bass” for (M. saxatilis X M. chrysops) and both have an acceptable market name of “Bass”.  However, hybrid striped bass was not listed.

The FDA used mitochondrial DNA analysis to confirm species and because mitochondrial DNA is matrilineal they determined the California sample as being white bass (M. chrysops). The NAA submitted scientific information to the agency and The Seafood List is being updated to include hybrid striped bass as an acceptable market name.

The NAA is conducting a review of the Seafood List for additional updates.  Producers are encouraged to review the Seafood List for missing information and contact the NAA Office at 850-216-2400 or to identify needed updates.