
NAA Hosting Federal Town Hall during Aquaculture America 2017

The National Aquaculture Association (NAA) is hosting a Federal Town Hall during Aquaculture America 2017 in San Antonio Texas on February 20th from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm in Room 17 within the Marriott Rivercenter.

The Federal Town Hall provides an opportunity for direct dialogue between the aquaculture community and key federal aquaculture leaders and managers that are members of the Interagency Working Group on Aquaculture (IWG-A).  The IWG-A serves as the federal interagency coordinating group to increase the overall effectiveness and productivity of federal aquaculture research, regulations, technology transfer, and assistance programs. 

In addition to the opportunity to ask questions of the federal representatives, a goal of the Federal Town Hall will be for attendees to identify and define regulatory solutions that federal agencies and industry can partner together to resolve during 2017. The means to achieve this goal may include streamlining and coordinating federal permitting, creating regulatory modernization, eliminating regulatory gaps, or recommending federal-state regulatory approaches. The NAA will be working with the IWG-A during 2017 to achieve the regulatory solutions identified by the audience.

If you cannot attend the Federal Town Hall, please call the NAA office to submit a regulatory solution at 850-216-2400 or email For more information about Aquaculture America 2017, please visit