
NCCOS Releases Coastal Aquaculture Planning Portal

NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) program has announced the launch of a Coastal Aquaculture Planning Portal (CAPP), a tool designed to assist in the planning and siting of sustainable coastal aquaculture facilities. Developed in partnership with the Office of Coastal Management’s Digital Coast, the CAPP features more than 20 tools that have applications for planning and siting of aquaculture operations and industries. It was specifically designed to assist managers, planners, and industry with aquaculture development that aims to incorporate sustainable practices. The portal features tools such as CanVis that provide users with the ability to forecast seascape change due to aquaculture, a sea-level rise viewer allows the prediction of rising sea level on farming and management practices, and the habitat priority planner helps the user identify sensitive habitats that need to be avoided during aquaculture siting.  Additional tools are scheduled to be posted in the upcoming weeks. To learn more about NCCOS’s coastal aquaculture siting and sustainability efforts, visit