
New X-Mods Rules | Higher OSHA Penalties Take Effect

From Placer Insurance Agency:


New X-Mod Rules to Reduce Effect of One Large Claim

ONE OF the biggest employer complaints in workers’ comp – that one large claim can skew an employer’s X-Mod – is about to finally be addressed in California.

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s “split-point” experience rating system, in which an employer’s workers’ comp claims are divided into primary losses and excess losses, will be overhauled for 2017. Now that system is being changed to reduce the effects of one large claim on small and mid-sized employers.

The rules for qualifying for an X-Mod have also changed. How will this affect your business? Find out here.


New OSHA Penalties May Apply Earlier Than Expected

THE HIGHER fines that federal OSHA implemented Aug. 1, can actually start applying to any workplace safety violations that were cited in inspections as early as February of this year.

That’s because OSHA can take as long as six months after an inspection to issue citations and the penalties it proposes for the employer. This sobering news comes as OSHA finalizes new regulations regarding electronic reporting of injuries and has started conducting more probing investigations than it has in the past.

What are the new penalties and how can they apply retroactively? Find out here.