
2016 NOAA Aquaculture Science Review

Courtesy of NOAA:

During the last two weeks of July 2016 the NOAA Office of Aquaculture is conducting a review of the NOAA aquaculture science programs carried out at NOAA Science Centers. Led by an independent review panel of experienced aquaculture scientists, the review will be split into two sessions. The first public session will take place in Milford, CT (July 19-20) and will cover recent aquaculture science conducted at the NOAA Science Centers in the eastern half of the US. The second public session will take place in Seattle, WA (July 26-27) and will cover aquaculture science from the Centers in the western half of the US. The review meetings will include presentations by NOAA scientists to the review panel. You are invited to view the presentations via a web broadcast (details below). Web viewers will be also be able to submit comments addressing the same questions being asked of the review panel by using the link provided at the end of this document. Note that anonymous comments will not be considered. Your identity will be associated with your submission and this information will be publicly available.

If you wish to join the online audience, please follow the login instructions below:

Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +1 (872) 240-3412
Access Code: 544-092-293
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 544-092-293

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Every effort will be made to adhere to the final published schedule, however the exact timing is not guaranteed. The review process is designed to encourage discussion, which can negatively impact schedules. General agendas are below with links to details of planned presentations.

East Coast Aquaculture Science Review Schedule

Tuesday, July 19th: 8:30am – 12:00pm EST

Wednesday, July 20th: 8:30am – 12:00pm EST and 2:00pm – 4:00pm EST

West Coast Aquaculture Science Review Schedule

Tuesday, July 26th: 8:00am – 12:10pm PST and 1:00pm – 3:00pm PST

Wednesday, July 27th: 10:00am – 12:05pm PST and 12:50pm – 1:40pm PST

After the reviews are completed, a final report will be generated and made available to the public.

If you wish to comment on the reviews, use the questionnaire at the following link:

Public Comment for NOAA Aquaculture Science Review (2016)