
Debunking the myth of farm-raised fish

Though farming practices are continuing to improve, many diners still view farm-raised fish as unnatural or bad. Across the country, talented chefs who are equally committed to great food and to seafood sustainability are trying to change diners’ minds with their menus.

“Farm raised is not second grade anymore,” said Damon Gordon, culinary director of Water Grill in Santa Monica, Calif. “It really has come leaps and bounds. It’s up there with wild.”

About 70 percent of the fin fish served at Water Grill is farm raised. Among the farmed fish Gordon is passionate about is Faroe Island salmon, which he menus during winter when wild-caught Pacific salmon is not in season. Gordon says the product, which is raised in free-flowing pens in the cold waters of the North Atlantic, meets the restaurant’s high standards for quality and sustainability, but also taste…

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