
NAA: Aquaponics: How to Do It Yourself!

Courtesy of NAA: A Free Webinar for Aquaponics Producers from Hobbyist to Commercial

The National Aquaculture Association, North Central Regional Aquaculture Center and United States Aquaculture Society are offering a free webinar to help those exploring the world of aquaponics to design and manage a system that will produce food for the home or can be scaled up as a commercial operation. Participants will better understand aquaponic production methods, systems, operational management and products. Additionally, realities of economic viability and food safety and environmental sustainability will be discussed.

Aquaponics provides producers and environmentally conscious way to produce and sell more U.S. farm-raised seafood. This is an opportunity to learn more about U.S. aquaculture and how it meets your need to provide safe, sustainable, local seafood for your customers.

Presenter: Dr. D. Allen Pattillo has over 10 years of experience in aquaculture and over five years of experience researching and working with the aquaponics industry and is currently the Fisheries and Aquaculture Extension Specialist at Iowa State University, and the extension committee chair for the North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. Much of his work involves public education and outreach for recirculating aquaculture, aquaponics, pond management, local foods and aquaculture business development. Prior to that, he worked and schooled in the southeastern US at Auburn University.

Date and Time: Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 3:00 PM Eastern.

Duration: 60 minutes

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