
Public Opinion of Shellfish Farming: A Report from the Pacific Shellfish Institute

A report on the public perception of shellfish aquaculture in select counties in Washington, Oregon and California has been developed by the Pacific Shellfish Institute. This report can be viewed here.


This research assessed perceptions and behaviors related to shellfish and shellfish farming, and examined what influences social attitudes toward these activities. Results reveal limited knowledge of shellfish aquaculture across the ten-county study region in Washington, Oregon and California. These results indicate a clear opportunity for increased education and outreach regarding shellfish related activities. The most effective means to share information will be television, newspapers and websites, as well as booths at public events. Study results also reveal a considerable level of support for policies supporting shellfish aquaculture and increased domestic seafood production. When questioned if nearshore aquaculture production in their state should be increased, decreased, or stay the same, a preference for increased production outnumbered decreased production by a factor of 4.5 to 1. Survey respondents also recognize the benefits of shellfish aquaculture, especially for providing locally produced seafood, creation of jobs, improving the local and state economy, and relieving pressure on wild fisheries. Proliferation of local and regional shellfish aquaculture support will be necessary to continue to realize these benefits. 

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