
Governor Brown To Sign $15 California Minimum Wage on Monday

Senate Bill 3 (Leno), that increase California’s minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2022, was approved by both houses of the Legislature and will be signed by Governor Brown in a signing ceremony on Monday.

Senate Bill 3 ties future increases to inflation and provides small businesses (25 or fewer employees) with an additional year to comply. The proposal was announced by the Governor and labor leaders on Monday. This policy and SB 3 did not include any input from the business community nor key legislative leaders on both sides of the aisle.

The California Consumers Against Higher Prices, will continue to explore all  options moving forward. The following statement was issued today in response to the Legislature’s approval of Senate Bill 3:

“We are disappointed in the Legislature for disregarding their constituents, districts, small businesses and working families by approving this overreaching minimum wage increase. A proposal of this magnitude deserves thoughtful consideration, not a backroom deal rushed through the Legislature in three short days. This is public policy at its worst.

Despite our coalition’s aggressive efforts, the Legislature has failed to acknowledge any concerns regarding this legislation. The decision to bow to special interest labor groups at the expense of California families and vital local services is inexcusable, and our coalition will continue to advocate on behalf of our members to fight a policy that goes too far, too fast.”
