
NOAA Announces $3M in Sea Grant Aquaculture Research Program Funds for FY2016

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Depending on the availability of funds, NOAA Sea Grant expects to have up to $3M available for a national competition to fund new FY 2016 aquaculture research projects. This is part of the overall plan to support the development of environmentally and economically sustainable ocean, coastal, or Great Lakes aquaculture.

Topical priorities for this FY 2016 competition are, briefly: a) Research to inform pending, regulatory decisions regarding aquaculture on the local, state, or federal level leading to an information product–such as a tool, technology, template, or model–needed to make final decisions on a specific question; b) Research that supports the introduction, and/or increase in production of new and emerging species of aquaculture interest; c) Research that supports continued seafood safety and product quality; and d) Social and/or economic research targeted to understand aquaculture issues in a larger context. Applicants must describe how their proposed work will rapidly and significantly advance U.S. aquaculture development in the short term (1-2 years after project completion).

This Federal Funding Opportunity includes information on application and criteria for aquaculture research proposals requesting a maximum of $300,000 in total federal funding for up to a two-year period. Matching funds are required. Awards are anticipated to start no later than September 1, 2016. Additional proposals from this competition may be selected for funding in the next fiscal year, subject to the availability of FY17 funds.

Eligibility:  Institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, commercial organizations, State, local and Indian tribal governments are eligible.  Federal agencies and their personnel are not permitted to receive federal funding under this competition; however, federal scientists can serve as uncompensated partners or co-Principal Investigators on proposals.  Directors of the state Sea Grant Programs are not eligible to compete for funds under this announcement.

Pre-proposals must be received by electronic mail to the National Sea Grant Office by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on March 10, 2016.

Full Proposals are due from applicants to the state Sea Grant Program by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on May 12, 2016.