
Updated CAA Membership Application and Membership Levels

We would like to thank all of our members for their ongoing support of our association and our industry. An active, engaged association that protects, promotes, and supports its members is critical to the success and growth of our industry. And our association would not be possible without your membership with us – Thank you.

We will be sending 2016 CAA membership renewals to our current members in January. Along with these renewals, we will also be sending our annual Board of Directors election ballot.

We are also continually seeking new members to join, support, and become involved with our association. Our membership application, which contains a recent update to our membership levels, can be downloaded here. Potential members can also apply to become a member via our online form here. Some of our association membership benefits can be found here.

In addition, we are always seeking additional involvement from our members and those who are engaged in the industry. Serving as a committee member is a wonderful way to become more involved with CAA. If you are interested in serving on one of our committees, please contact us.

Again, thank you all CAA members for your ongoing support!