
NAA Webinar: Transitioning Your Aquaculture Farm Business to a New Generation

Courtesy of NAA:

A Free Webinar for Aquaculture Business Owners and Managers
Hosted by the National Aquaculture Association

The National Aquaculture Association is hosting a free one-hour webinar, Transitioning Your Aquaculture Farm Business to a New Generation, which will discuss developing a plan to eventually transition the aquaculture farm business to a new generation of owners and managers. A good transition process is one in which plans for the retirement of the current owners and the transition to new owners/managers occurs over a long period of time, often 10 years or more. Such gradual transitions, if accompanied by well-thought out plans, can result in a smooth transition. In the absence of a detailed transition plan, abrupt and unforeseen events, such as sudden health problems, often result in bitter family disputes as those involved are forced to quickly grapple with the complex issues involved in transitioning an aquaculture business.

This webinar will focus on key considerations and questions that should be addressed in a well-thought out transition plan. A thorough transition plan should include a series of specific plans that include: 1) management transfer plan; 2) ownership transfer plan; 3) income transfer plan; 4) labor transfer plan; 5) retirement plan; and 6) estate plan. The webinar will point to sources of information that can be accessed for additional follow-up and assistance with developing a thorough transition plan for the aquaculture farm business.

Presenter: Dr. Engle is an Aquaculture Economist with more than 35 years experience in the analysis of economics and marketing issues related to aquaculture businesses. She has worked closely with a variety of aquaculture producers over her career to improve farm management and profitability of aquaculture businesses. Among many other publications, she co-authored the Aquaculture Marketing Handbook and authored Aquaculture Economics and Financing: Management and Analysis published by Wiley-Blackwell. She is the recipient of the Joseph P. McCraren Award from the National Aquaculture Association for distinguished lifetime contributions to the aquaculture industry.

Date:  November 20, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. EST

Duration:  60 minutes

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