
Aquaculture Research Specialist Seeking Post-Doc Position or Assistant Professorship

Francisco de la S. Sabate, an aquaculture research specialist, is seeking a post-doc position or assistant professorship. Francisco’s resume can be viewed here. Please contact him (contact info on resume) with any questions or opportunities.

From Francisco:

My name is Francisco de la S. Sabate. I am an aquaculture research specialist (with an emphasis on intensive marine hatchery technologies/larviculture) with more than 10 years of experience and have a PhD in Marine Science from the University of Nagasaki, Japan. In the last 3 years I managed Dr. Yonathan Zohar’s “Development of sustainable larviculture production protocols for bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna” project, at UMBC. Funding for this project has recently ended, so I am looking for my next employment. At the moment I am helping design a novel larval and juvenile marine finfish rearing system for Dr. Michael Schwarz at the Virginia Tech, Virginia Seafood AREC.

I am looking for a Post-Doc position or an Assistant Professorship in any field related with aquaculture, be it larval rearing, feeding trials, juvenile/fingerling grow out, behavioral studies, etc. I include my resume for your kind consideration.

Thank you very much for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.