
Shellfish Aquaculture Could Help to Reduce Harmful Eutrophication, Algal Blooms, Oxygen Depletion, Fish Kills in Our Oceans

Courtesy of NOAA:

Excessive nutrient input into estuarine and coastal environments, also known as eutrophication, can lead to algal blooms, oxygen depletion, fish kills, and a general loss of key habitats. New research from NOAA supports using shellfish aquaculture for nutrient removal and eutrophication reduction.

To include shellfish aquaculture as part of a comprehensive approach to nutrient management, scientists measured the amount of nitrogen removed from the local environment by a shellfish farm by applying the Farm Aquaculture Resource Management (FARM) model, which estimates the impact of shellfish nutrient removal through both growth and harvest, as well as shellfish production. Applied to 14 locations across nine countries and four continents, considering seven species of shellfish, the model estimated an overall range of annual nitrogen removal from 105 to 1356 pounds per acre.  These results compare favorably to reported nitrogen removal effectiveness of agricultural best management practices and stormwater control measures, indicating shellfish aquaculture as an effective candidate for inclusion in nutrient trading programs. Determining a potential range of nitrogen removal rates by shellfish farms is valuable to coastal planners and regulators looking to develop watershed-scale nitrogen reduction plans. These results support the ongoing global discussion among growers and regulators about the role of shellfish aquaculture in reducing eutrophication-related problems while also providing a source of sustainable seafood.

This research was conducted by scientists with NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the New University of Lisbon.

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The publication is available online here.