
Aquaculture Importance Discussed at Sustainable Seafood Week

US – Seafood accounts for 16.6 per cent of global animal protein consumption and plays an essential role in food security, providing over 3 billion people with 20 per cent of their protein intake. As a source of micronutrients and heart protecting fatty acids, the consensus that fish is both an important component of future food security, and a healthy protein source with a growing presence on national dietary recommendations, has put increased pressure on this valuable resource, writes Taylor Gillespie for TheFishSite.

Fragile fish stocks cannot support current industrial fishing practices. And 90 per cent of marine fisheries are fully or over exploited, according to the FAO, resulting in plateaued capture production despite efficiency improvements.

By 2050, when the global population is estimated to reach 9 billion, we will need to catch over 187 million tons of fish. Current capture rates fall below this figure at 129 million tons. So how will we feed a hungry world with fewer fish available in our oceans?…

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