
New Zealand: New report shows positive social impact of aquaculture industry

A report commissioned by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) on the social effects of the Southland aquaculture industry shows that its introduction to this region has been “overwhelmingly” positive.

The report covers 25 years of aquaculture on Stewart Island and Bluff, and is based on research that was conducted earlier this year. It is part of a wider work programme by MPI, which aims to better understand the social and community effects of the aquaculture industry.

Southland was chosen as a case study because its existing aquaculture is well understood commercially and in the community.

The  research included interviews with 66 local businesses, community organisations and 130 industry staff.

Some results showed:

  • 31 per cent of staff reported an increase in self respect;
  • 81 per cent of staff had learned new skills;
  • 70 per cent reported an increase in annual income compared to their previous employment…

Read the full article here.