
2014 Farm Bill Requires New Conservation Compliance Reporting

Courtesy of NAA:

The 2014 Farm Bill established the applicability of the Highly Erodible Land Conservation and Wetland Conservation provisions to crop insurance subsidies, but the Farm Bill did not change how these were implemented in conservation programs.  Highly Erodible Land Conservation and Wetland Conservation provisions aim to reduce soil loss on erosion-prone lands and to protect wetlands for the multiple benefits they provide. These provisions apply to all land that is considered highly erodible or a wetland, and that is owned or farmed by persons voluntarily participating in USDA programs, unless USDA determines an exemption applies.

Producers, and any affiliated individuals or entities who participate in most programs administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Risk Management Agency (RMA) are required to comply with these provisions. Non-compliance may affect the following types of USDA program benefits:

  • FSA loans and disaster assistance payments
  • NRCS and FSA conservation program benefits
  • Federal crop insurance premium subsidies

Farmers seeking federal crop insurance premium subsidies for the 2016 reinsurance year must comply by June 1 by filing form AD-1026. The 2016 reinsurance year runs from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.  For more information, visit and click on “Conservation Compliance” or visit your local FSA, NRCS or RMA office.