
EUR 421 million allocated for multi-year aquaculture plan

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Spain – The Fisheries Sector Conference, chaired by the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA), Isabel García Tejerina, has adopted the Multiannual Strategic Plan for the 2014-2020 Spanish Aquaculture, for which EUR 421 million has been allocated.

This initiative sets out the basis on which the aquaculture activity would be conducted in the coming years, and it is framed in the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).

The Plan was developed from an integrative approach by the autonomous communities and sector agents involved in the development of aquaculture in order to encourage it throughout the country.

The strategic guidelines of the Plan are:

  • Simplify and standardize the legal and administrative framework;
  • Reinforce the representativeness of the sector;
  • Increase the Spanish aquaculture production from the improvement of the sector planning;
  • Select new areas of aquaculture interest.

Other objectives are to strengthen the competitiveness of the sector through research, development and innovation; to perform closer relations between the scientific community and the industry; health management and wellness; and strengthening the aspects relating to the processing and marketing aspects of aquaculture products.

The authority designed 37 strategic domestic actions in order to meet the set goals.

To implement the Plan, a coordinated monitoring committee was created by the Fisheries General Secretariat under the National Advisory Board for Mariculture (Jacumar) and the National Advisory Board of Continental Harvests (Jacucon).

In addition, three working groups that will deal with developing strategic actions of each subject have been settled to try to get the most out of this document adopted by all.

For its part, the Secretariat is working on the development of some domestic actions, linked to the simplification of the legal and administrative framework, sector planning and site selection.

One of the jobs that have already been launched is the development of an Aquaculture Act to ensure the coordination and promotion of aquaculture.

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