
NOAA Administrator Highlights Aquaculture

Courtesy of NAA:

NOAA Administrator Kathryn Sullivan kicked off the annual SeaWeb Seafood Summit in New Orleans on February 9, highlighting the importance of “improving seafood sustainability by focusing on societal, economic and ecological resilience” and pointing out “the country as a whole must embrace aquaculture to meet future global seafood needs as human populations grow.”

Dr. Sullivan stated “Our own United States aquaculture industry was valued at $1.3 billion in 2011.That compares to $5.1 billion for the commercial catch that year. It’s very clear that U.S. aquaculture is a job creator in coastal communities and throughout the seafood supply chain. And it’s clear that it can, and it should, play a larger role in United States fisheries. Aquaculture is a bright spot and one that we need to continue to nurture, both for the food supply that it provides and for the fact that it provides year-round, living wage jobs centered in coastal and rural communities.”

Several hundred people involved with the seafood industry attended the three-day SeaWeb Seafood Summit to discuss issues surrounding sustainable seafood. SeaWeb is a nonprofit with the mission of “creating a culture of ocean conservation.”

A transcript of her remarks can be found at: