
NAA to Host Federal Town Hall at Aquaculture America 2015

Courtesy of NAA:

The National Aquaculture Association (NAA) is hosting a Federal Town Hall at the Aquaculture America 2015 Conference in New Orleans.  The session is scheduled for 1pm on Friday, February 20, in Mardi Gras E.

Using a question and answer format, the Town Hall provides an opportunity for direct dialogue between key aquaculture leaders and managers from diverse federal agencies and industry stakeholders.   The goal of the session is to identify critical issues, problems and/or opportunities for federal agencies to address with industry during 2015.

Participating agencies and representatives are USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Gene Kim), USDA-APHIS Veterinary Services (TJ Myers), USDA-National Agricultural Statistics Service (Dan Kerestes), USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (Miles McEvoy), USDA-Agricultural Research Service (Jeff Silverstein), FDA-Center for Veterinary Medicine (Jennifer Matysczak), FDA-Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (Brett Koonse), NOAA Fisheries (Michael Rubino), US Geological Survey (Jeff Meinertz) and US Fish and Wildlife Service (David Hoskins).  The session will be moderated by Betsy Hart, NAA Executive Director.