
California Aquaculture Association Proudly Announces Approval of Additional Aquaculture Specialist Position at UC, Davis

For immediate release:


The California Aquaculture Association (CAA) would like to thank all of its members and industry members who provided input in support of the proposed Aquaculture Specialist position at UC, Davis. As a result of this support, as well as the efforts of CAA Director, Tony Vaught, CAA Executive Director, Michael Lee, and UC Davis Aquaculture Specialist, Fred Conte, PhD, this position has been fully approved.


This is a milestone accomplishment for the California Aquaculture Association and the industry as a whole. This new Aquaculture Specialist position will assist in fulfilling the need for California’s aquaculture industry to grow and thrive and will help to further establish and develop a more sustainable and environmentally conscious aquaculture industry. The new Aquaculture Specialist will help grow the aquaculture industry by developing additional support programs in the University of California and serving as a conduit between growers, researchers, and regulators.


This is an incredible accomplishment and the California Aquaculture Association is extremely grateful to all involved.


Below is a release from the University of California:


The University of California Announces New Cooperative Extension Positions Releases for 2015-2016 – Aquaculture Specialist Included



The University of California celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the creation of the national Cooperative Extension system (Smith-Lever Act of 1914) is reinvesting in this essential organization to meet the State’s agricultural challenges. The California Aquaculture Association (CAA) has supported this effort in its request for an additional Aquaculture Specialist position. The request for the position can be seen at: (see California Aquaculture


This past Friday, the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources announced new positions to be released for recruitment during 2015-2016. Out of the total of 44 positions to be released for search, the Aquaculture Specialist position is one of the 14 Specialist positions to be released. All positions will be released in scheduled Rounds starting in the spring of 2015 and ending in the summer of 2016. The Aquaculture Specialist position will be released for recruitment in Round 3 (Fall 2015). Congratulations to the aquaculture community that expressed their support for the position. The following is the release statement from the University of California ANR.  F.S. Conte, Aquaculture Specialist, UC Davis.


FROM: Barbara Allen-Diaz, Vice President

University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources

“To continue our aggressive effort in hiring Cooperative Extension Advisors and Specialists, I am announcing the release of (44) positions for future rounds of hiring. These positions have been through a thorough process of proposal and review. The more than 120 proposals for these CE positions were developed in consultation with our stakeholders. The review process involved public comment (more than 900 individual comments from agricultural organizations, governmental agencies, youth and nutrition coalitions, individuals and many others), ANR Program Teams, Cooperative Extension County Directors and College and School leadership.


All of the review information, along with information regarding current staffing and retirement projections, was considered by ANR Program Council in their deliberations to provide me with recommendations. My decisions in the release of these positions were based upon review of all the available information.


These positions are now in the queue and will be released for recruitment in phases over time to enable us to accomplish the search and hiring process in an orderly fashion, evaluate resources on a real-time basis, deal with unexpected changes in staffing, and address unanticipated issues as they arise. While I am providing the anticipated release dates, we will also be monitoring progress in recruitments already released to ensure that we are progressing efficiently. Although we have hired more than four dozen new Cooperative Extension Advisors and Specialists over the past three years, we currently have 20 recruitments of previously released positions either underway or still to be initiated.


Below is a full list of CE advisor and specialist positions approved for hiring in 2015-2016 (location, counties or campus):


Round 1 (Spring 2015)

Area Youth & Community Advisor (Mendocino, Lake)

Area Agronomic Cropping Systems / Nutrient Management Advisor (Kings, Tulare, Fresno)

Area Citrus Advisor (Tulare, Fresno, Madera)

Area Nutrition, Family and Consumer Science Advisor (Central Sierra Multi-County Partnership)

Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor (Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kings)

Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor (San Diego, Orange)

Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor (Siskiyou)

Beef Cattle Herd Health and Production Specialist (School of Veterinary Medicine, UCD)

Community Food Safety Specialist (College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, UCD)

Integrated Urban Water Management Specialist (College of Natural and Agricultural Science, UCR)


Round 2 (Summer 2015)

Area Youth & Families Advisor (Imperial)

Area Nutrition, Family and Consumer Science Advisor (San Mateo, Santa Clara)

Area Small Farms Advisor (Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, San Benito)

Area Rice Advisor (Sutter-Yuba, Placer, Sacramento)

Area Orchard Systems Advisor (Madera, Merced)

Area Vegetable Crops Advisor (Colusa, Sutter-Yuba)

Area 4-H Youth Development Advisor (Marin, Sonoma, Napa)

Agricultural Safety & Health Specialist (College of Agricultural and Environmental Science, UCD)

Irrigation Water Management Specialist (Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center)

Quantitative Policy Analysis Specialist (College of Natural Resources, UCB)


Round 3 (Fall 2015)

Area Agronomic Cropping / Weed Science Advisor (Glenn, Butte, Tehama)

Area Agronomy Advisor (Capitol Corridor Multi-County Partnership)

Area Nutrition, Family and Consumer Science Advisor (Tulare, Kings)

Livestock and Range Economics Specialist (College of Agricultural and Environmental Science, UCD)

Aquaculture Specialist (College of Agricultural and Environmental Science, UCD)

Mechanization Engineering Specialist (College of Agricultural and Environmental Science, UCD)


Round 4 (Spring 2016)

Area Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor (Placer-Nevada, Sutter-Yuba)

Area Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor (Plumas-Sierra, Butte)

Area Nutrition, Family & Consumer Science Advisor (Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Sutter-Yuba)

Area Vegetable Production & Irrigation Advisor (Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Merced)

Area Low Desert Weed Advisor (Imperial, Riverside)

Forest Products and Woody Biomass Specialist (College of Natural Resources, UCB)

Orchard Crop Entomology Specialist (College of Natural and Agricultural Science, UCR – located at KARE)

Evaluation Specialist (College of Agricultural and Environmental Science, UCD)


Round 5 (Summer 2016)

Area Sustainable Orchard Systems Advisor (Butte, Glenn, Tehama)

Area Orchard & Vineyard Systems Advisor (Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Contra Costa, Alameda)

Community Economic Development Specialist (College of Agricultural and Environmental Science, UCD)

Dairy Cattle Production Health Management Specialist (School of Veterinary Medicine, UCD)


Round 6 (Fall 2016)

Area Desert Livestock Advisor (Imperial, Riverside, San Bernardino)

Area Forestry & Natural Resources Advisor (Sutter-Yuba, Butte, Nevada

Area Livestock & Range Advisor (Ventura, Santa Barbara)

Area Dairy Systems Advisor (Sonoma, Marin, Mendocino)

Biometeorology Specialist (College of Agricultural and Environmental Science, UCD)



The California Aquaculture Association (CAA) is a member driven aquaculture producer organization. More information is available at