
Request for Proposals: Humboldt Bay Mariculture Pre­Permitting Project

Request for Proposals Release Date: 07/17/2014

Proposals Must Be Received by: 10/10/2014

Email Completed Proposals to: Jack Crider, Humboldt Bay Harbor District CEO (

To receive updates regarding this request for proposals, send your email address to:


The Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District (District) and City of Eureka are tideland trustees for portions of Humboldt Bay, California. The District is in the process of acquiring environmental permits to conduct mariculture (shellfish and/or macro-algae) operations at specific sites in the bay. The permitting process is expected to be complete in 2015. Once the sites are permitted, they will be leased to private culturists. The District is requesting proposals from culturists to lease and culture the sites once they are permitted.

Details about the allowable species and culture methods, maps of the general project areas, and maps of the specific parcels for lease are available on the Harbor District website at as “Mariculture Lease RFP – Supplemental Materials”.  These materials include a draft Project Description (Part A), and maps of the specific parcels for lease (Part B)

It is possible that the project description and parcels for lease described in the supplemental materials will be modified based on permit conditions or responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP). It is expected that, after the close of this RFP period, and when permits are received, the District and RFP responders will refine the details of proposed culture methods and locations and will finalize lease terms. There is no guarantee that any proposal will be accepted.

The District will host a tour of the mariculture sites and answer questions regarding the project on 08/15/2014. Please email Adam Wagschal ( by 8/11/2014 if you plan to attend.


As more thoroughly described in the Supplemental Materials (Part A), mariculture sites will be permitted for specific species and culture methods, with thresholds set for aspects of the culture operations (such as the overall benthic footprint). The District is requesting proposals for leasing the parcels depicted in Part B of the Supplemental Materials. RFP responders can propose to lease multiple parcels.

Proposals should include the following information separately for each parcel being considered:

• Parcel proposed for lease (see Table 1 and Supplemental Materials Part B).

• Proposed annual lease payments (the minimum required costs are shown in Table 1).

• Proposed species to be cultured, consistent with the project description (Part A).

• Proposed culture methods, consistent with the methods and thresholds in the Project Description

• Any proposed expectations of the District and/or City of Eureka during the term of the lease (for example, any proposed improvements to adjacent District properties).


Proposals should also contain the following information:

• Statement describing the experience and qualifications of the operators who would conduct the proposed mariculture.

• Three professional references in the mariculture industry (include name, email and phone number).


Minimum Parcel Costs:

The minimum annual cost for each parcel (Table 1) is based on an assessment of existing fees, plus an increase to cover the District and City of Eureka’s administrative costs and to build a fund to maintain (e.g., renew) permits at the sites. Lease costs will be adjusted for inflation annually using the consumer price index.

Proposal Selection Process and Criteria:

Proposals will be reviewed by a panel consisting of District staff and Commissioners. The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals:

1) Proposed annual lease payments (Table 1 depicts the minimum costs).

2) Qualifications to successfully conduct the proposed mariculture activities.

3) Consistency of proposal with the Project Description (Part A).

4) Potential investments and contribution to the local economy including creation of jobs.

5) Proposer’s expectations of the District and/or City of Eureka during the term of the lease (for example, any proposed improvements to adjacent District properties).


General Terms:

Leases for the parcels are expected to have a five year term with potential for renewal if lessees are fulfilling all lease obligations. Subleasing of parcels will not be allowed. Proof of shellfish production will be required of lessees and failure to show production will result in lease termination.  Lessees will be required to operate in accordance with the conditions of the environmental permits obtained by the District.




1) The permitting process for the sites described in this RFP is underway. It is uncertain when permits will be secured. Additionally, allowable uses and site configurations may change during the permitting process.

2) Portions of each site may not be suitable for mariculture. It is the responsibility of RFP responders to determine the potential mariculture value of each site and structure their proposals accordingly.

3) The District may request additional information related to proposals.

4) The District reserves the right not to award any leases based on this RFP and to re-request proposals at their sole discretion