
Farm in Mexico converted into aquaculture research centre

The National Fisheries Institute (INAPESCA) has converted an aquaculture farm in Picuato, Michoacán, into a research centre for the study of species with aquaculture farming potential in order to boost food production and employment generation in the region.

On the farm in question, which was transferred two years ago by SAGARPA Delegation in the state of Michoacan, a hatchery is now being operated, certified by the National Health, Food Safety and Food Quality Service (SENASA). This body is responsible for regulating, managing and promoting the sanitary, safety and food quality activities, and in this case, of aquaculture products.

The purpose is to incubate domestic rainbow trout egg lots apart from the species import eggs, which will be subjected to quarantine to ensure their sanitary quality before being incorporated to cultivation processes…

Read the full article here.