
Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre Officially Launched at Highland Show

“A new innovation centre for aquaculture will help create jobs and support the growth, sustainability and profitability of the industry in Scotland.

The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) will bring together industry and research to provide innovative solutions with the aim of growing the already substantial contribution aquaculture makes to the Scottish economy.

Growth in production will bring with it significant benefits in terms of infrastructure and research, and support employment and economic wellbeing of many fragile rural communities across Scotland. Industry estimates suggest that every additional 10,000 tonnes of salmon create an additional £96 million for the Scottish economy.

The recently published independent report ‘An Assessment of the Benefits to Scotland of Aquaculture’ highlighted the industry already contributes up to £1.4 billion each year to the Scottish economy and 8,000 jobs in Scotland…”

Read the full article at The Fish Site.