
20th Annual USFWS Aquaculture Drug Approval Coordination Workshop


The 20th Annual USFWS Aquaculture Drug Approval Coordination Workshop will be co-hosted by the USFWS-AADAP Program and the AFS-Fish Culture Section. During the Workshop, the status of ongoing aquaculture drug approval research and the progress of associated activities will be presented and discussed. Please contact Molly P. Bowman with any Workshop-related questions (

View registration information here.

Workshop Week Schedule (TENTATIVE):


  • Monday, July 28th
    -Hosted Welcome Social, 4:00pm – 8:00pm at Bridger Brewing
  • Tuesday, July 29th
    -Registration packet pick-up at the Best Western GranTree Inn, 8:30am – 11:30am
    -Workshop Session, 12:30pm – 4:30pm
    -Ice-Breaker BBQ at Scenic Hyalite Reservoir, 6:00pm
  • Wednesday, July 30th
    -Workshop Session, 8:30am – 4:30pm
    -Trout Trot Fun Run (5k), 5:30pm
  • Thursday, July 31
    -Workshop Session, 8:30am – 12:00pm
    -Decompression Rafting Trip on the Yellowstone River (depart GranTree Inn at 12:45pm)
We anticipate attendance to include representatives from a diverse group of folks including numerous federal, state, tribal, and private partners, drug company sponsors, university researchers, and other entities involved in aquatic animal drug approval efforts. We are also fortunate that a number of representatives from FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine plan to attend.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the government rate at the following hotels. We strongly recommend booking rooms ASAP as the Workshop is scheduled to be held during the same time as Bozeman’s Annual Sweet Pea Summer Festival. Rooms will be released on July 1st.
Best Western GranTree Inn (location of Workshop): 406-587-5261 (group code: 807049)
Days Inn (next door to Workshop): 406-587-5251 (group: Aquaculture Drug Workshop)
Please register below. The Workshop registration fee is $50, paid in cash on arrival at registration packet pick-up in Bozeman.
We are seeking presenters! If you are interested in presenting at this year’s Workshop, please contact Molly P. Bowman (