
USDA and Farm Bureau Co-host Farm Bill Workshops

The California Farm Bureau and all four USDA Agencies in the Davis State Office will be offering Farm Bill Workshops on June 24 in Yuba City and June 25 in Fresno. Both workshops are at 9:30 and both will be held in the local Farm Bureau offices. CDFA will also have a representative on hand to address questions on Specialty Crop block grants.

The intention is to provide all interested producers and organizations the USDA information they need in one spot and to do it in advance of the need to plan for 2015.  Since the Farm Bill passed this last February, 2015 will be the first year that most of the Farm Bill programs and provisions will be fully implemented.

As requested by Farm Bureau the workshops will have very brief presentations by the Agencies with most of the time given over to questions from attendees and time for people to interact one-on-one with the Agencies they wish to work with.

A flyer and news release announcing the workshops can be viewed here.