
A former brewery is now the site of a futuristic farm

With no natural dirt or sunlight, an abandoned brewery may be the most unlikely spot for a farm producing kale and tilapia. But with a little help from technology, St Paul, Minnesota has turned a shuttered industrial space into a source for fresh produce and seafood.

The food-based urban renewal project is spearheaded by local company Urban Organics, which focuses on using an aquaponics system — where fish and plants help each other grow. The ideas is that aquaculture — like fish or shrimp — uses water from hydroponics, or cultivating plants in water, for mutually beneficial agriculture.

In East St. Paul, the local Hamm’s Brewery has long been a local landmark, once symbolizing the neighborhood’s livelihood before it closed in 1997. The shuttering left many without jobs in an area that was in much need of urban renewal…

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